Documentation Specialist &
Technical Writer

I bring to your team a diverse background of experience in creating succinct and concise content with a focus on human-centered design.

Past Projects

End-User Content Entry Documentation

Project Overview: Write instructions for users new to Drupal 10 site content entry.

Final Application: Google Doc

Skills Applied: Content creation, Translation of highly technical terminology, UX writing, Research, Project management

Industry: Web Development

  • The development team at Tag1 Consulting needed to fill the request of their client to have a complete set of instructions for content entry on their newly overhauled Drupal 10 website. The instructions’ users were identified as a third-party content entry company and the client themselves.

    Upon starting, I was introduced to an agile work environment using JIRA. I collaborated with the team’s architect to create a basic outline, starting with a glossary of terms. We branch out from there, creating visual anatomies and concise instructions, always keeping in mind that the end user may not be familiar with Drupal and its terminology. I also collaborated with a backend and front-end developer to learn what the user was to place in specific fields and how this affected the look of the block and content type. This collaboration culminated in a set of instructions in a Google Doc that could be easily shared with anyone who was assigned content entry on the client’s new site.

Technical Writing

Project Overview: Using information provided by the sales team, write first drafts of short case studies highlighting the Tolomatic product and how it was applied for a specific successful product application.

Final Application: Web content

Skills Applied: Content creation, UX writing, Asset retrieval, Research, Adobe InDesign, MS Word, Google Forms

Industry: Manufacturing

  • Application Description:

    An actuator to steer the angle of the wheels of a high-speed train car to reduce wear resulting from going around curves in the track.


    Train wheels become worn over time due to friction against the track as the train moves around curves. A high speed train car manufacturer provides a long term maintenance contract that includes: periodic grinding of wheels into profile or wheel replacement if required. The manufacturer was

    looking for a cost effective way to reduce the friction that causes the wear on the wheels and hence lengthen the time between maintenance and replacement. The solution also had to meet stringent Fire & Smoke standards as well as have the capability to withstand 100 g of random acceleration and 1000 g of shock.


    Tolomatic’s IMA44 integrated linear servo actuator provided a compact, heavy duty package that was installed to steer the wheels of the train cars as they passed around curves. This independent turn of each wheel greatly decreased the friction points that cause wear. The length of time between grinding or replacing of the wheels was greatly increased, keeping the train cars in service longer between wheel maintenance sessions. The IMA44 integrated linear servo actuator was customized to meet and pass railway qualification tests including Shock and Random Vibration Standard UNE-EN 61373:201.

    Customer Benefit

    • Increased train car availability
    • Sharp reduction in wheel operating costs
    • Customized to meet and pass railway qualification tests

  • The marketing team at Tolomatic, Inc. provided an MS Word document with bullet points and short statements highlighting successful product applications gathered from their sales team. An Adobe InDesign file example of the final document was also provided to be used as a reference and template. I was instructed to use the information in the MS Word document to create the content necessary to fill in the sections listed in the Adobe InDesign file and source both an image of the featured product as well as a stock photo of its application. The text and images were then to be inserted into a new Adobe InDesign file created from a copy of the one provided.

  • Combining the information found in the MS Word document with research done both online and on Tolomatic's website, I created content in a professional tone that concisely described the product used, the application of the product, how it solved the client's issue, and the benefits Tolomatic's team and product provided over its competition.

  • The information provided by the client was inconsistent and very minimal causing me to use many of my hours filling in holes that could have easily been provided by the sales team. To solve this issue, I introduced the team to Google Forms and demonstrated the benefits of listing questions that would solicit the exact information needed to create the content for their case studies. They were thrilled and asked me to create the form and write the questions, then instruct them on how to edit the form and receive the answers.

UX Writing

Project Overview: Clarify and simplify ordering instructions for use across all product parts sheets

Final Application: Web content

Skills Applied: UX writing, Visual aid design, Adobe InDesign

Industry: Manufacturing

  • Please click on the example to the right to see a larger image and additional examples.

  • As part of the larger project of editing, updating, and improving product parts sheets for this manufacturing company, the ordering instructions included in the sheets also needed to be standardized, clarified, and simplified.

  • Collaborating with the marketing and sales team, we refreshed the ordering instruction on product parts sheets by assessing the current versions and ideating with various parts of them. We took into consideration the multitude of configuration strands a user would need to enter for their specific part order and how this would be applied to multiple sections of the parts sheets. The solution included using a color scheme to differentiate the sections of the ordering strand as well as displaying an example. The resulting clear and concise ordering instructions give users the flexibility to address their specific needs as well as the marketing department to use the method as a template across all parts sheets.

Content Design & Strategy

Project Overview: Create onboarding process and content for residential customers

Final Application: E-mail

Skills Applied: Content Design, Content writing, UX writing, Strategy, Google Docs

Industry: Service

  • New Bucket Check-in Email:

    Did you receive our orange compost collection bucket?

    We’d like to check in and make sure you found the bucket we dropped off yesterday. If you didn’t find one, please take a good look around. Sometimes it blows away or a well-meaning neighbor or maintenance person moves it. If you still don’t find it, reply to this email and let us know.

    Below are some tips and tricks for your first weeks:

    Finding the Best Place for the Bucket

    It's best to think through how you use your kitchen to prepare food and how much space you have. We encourage you to try out different places until you find what works best. One option is to keep the bucket outside and have a countertop container that, once full, you’ll tip into the bucket. A bowl, or any large container, works great. Collective Resource offers a countertop container for $10 that we deliver to your home. If you’d like one, just respond to this email and request one.

    Alternatively, your bucket can be kept inside. Most customers find it useful to keep the bucket out of the way and use a countertop container to collect scraps and then tip them in the bucket. Here are a few other countertop containers to choose from Sure Close Countertop (we sell this for $10), Yuk Chuck, and The Hoop.

    Good Collection Practices

    * Make sure that you remove labels, twist ties, and rubber bands from produce.

    * Clean up any spills down the side and around the rim of the bucket right away.

    * Don’t handle the bucket or lid with food on your hands.

    * If you’re keeping the bucket outside, place a brick, flower pot, or paver on top to deter critters from getting inside. We offer metal lid barriers to keep the squirrels from chewing on our buckets. If you see that the bucket is being chewed, please request a Squirrel Stopper.

    * Use paper or compostable bags for lining your countertop container, if you like, however, this isn't necessary.

    * Go through your refrigerator the night before your bucket swap and empty all the unwanted leftovers and other food scraps into the bucket.

    * If the bucket seems to be getting full, shake it a bit to help settle the contents.

    * If you have the bucket for two weeks or longer, you may want to keep some items in the refrigerator or freezer until closer to your swap day.

  • Collect current email templates used to onboard new residential customers and improve their content and voice. Create a consistent and formalized onboarding process including instructions for the customer service team as well as a single document containing all necessary templates.

  • I started by sourcing the snippets I had compiled from the previous year’s experience answering emailed customer questions. These snippets revealed the information that customers required when starting Collective Resources' service. I used this information to improve the current welcome email as well as add additional tips to follow-up emails. I wrote out the onboarding process steps and outlined the information needed for each step to go smoothly. The content was created in a Google Doc and once finalized, shared with the customer service team. This document also included instructions for the customer service team so they would know which asset to send to which territory.

UX Writing

Project Overview: Eliminate the confusion caused by using the words “Pick up”

Final Application: All communications

Skills Applied: UX

Industry: Service

  • Before:
    Let us know where you want us to pick up the bucket.

    Let us know where you would like us to swap your bucket for a clean one.

    Buckets will be picked up on Tuesdays. An email will be sent to remind you.

    Your future bucket swaps will take place on Tuesdays. Please check your inbox for our eblast reminders so that you know your exact date.

  • Identify what is causing the confusion and stress points in communications between customers and employees as well as between departments.

  • Within my first week of answering customer emails, I took note that there was a great deal of confusion, wasted time, and friction caused by the use of the word “pickup.” “Pickup” could mean the simple pickup of a container or it could mean the exchange of one container for another. Over the following month, I tested using the word “swap” in the place of “pickup” when referencing the exchange of containers. The resulting decrease in confusion was so dramatic that it noticeably reduced my workload.

    Together with my supervisor, we present this solution to the rest of the company’s staff. The majority of them agreed to implement the use of “swap” when referencing the exchange of a container. This simple change of words facilitated smoother communication across all departments and with customers.

Content Writing

Project Overview: Change the tone of content from formal and factual to friendly and interesting

Final Application: Printed Brochure

Skills Applied: Copywriting, UX, Visual aid design, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

Industry: Nonprofit

  • We have heard people say that Greater Englewood is one of the worst neighborhoods in the city. They often don’t say much more.

    Have you ever taken a closer look?

    Greater Englewood is teeming with vibrancy, knowledge, passion, and deep historical roots. We invite you to learn more about our business community, discover our cultural treasures, explore the technology scene and taste the dedication of our urban farmers who are introducing local organic produce. All of these assets are available inside this South Side Chicago community.

    We are Greater Englewood, a people facing the future with bright smiles, solidarity, and hard work.

    Click on the brochure page to the right to see the full content.

  • As part of the design of a printed brochure, improve the appeal of the content with a goal to attract developers of commerce to the Greater Englewood neighborhood of Chicago.

  • Pulling on my experience mingling with business owners and entrepreneurs at numerous networking events, I realized the content given to me for this brochure was too formal and factual. In addition, the paragraphs conveying important statistics were very difficult to understand.

    I presented to the client a paragraph that had been rewritten in a friendly and interesting tone as well as a simple visual created from the information written in the content. He agreed it was an improvement and took my examples to the board who also agreed and approved that I move forward with massaging the content as well as creating more visuals for important statistics.

Marketing Strategy & Content Creation

Project Overview: Collaborate with the store owner to create and implement an evergreen marketing strategy and plan

Final Application: Emails, newsletters, posters, handouts, events

Skills Applied: Marketing Strategy, Copywriting, Advertising, Event Planning, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

Industry: Retail

  • Business Alliance Newsletter Blurbs:

    Even though it’s cold outside, we at Revive are thinking spring! Spring cleaning that is. Take a look in your closet and see what you never touched in 2015 and consign it with us. Think of the room you’ll have along with the cash you can make! Call Jackie at 773-899-1594 and make an appointment today.

    Remember Revive Consignment when you find you need some sweaters, cords, and oh yes, scarves and boots! Tired of those clothes from last fall? We can help with that too! Revive is now consigning fall clothing and accessories. Call 773-899-1594 to make an appointment.

    Revive your holiday spirit at Revive Consignment. Our owners will bring a smile to your face while you explore an ever-changing inventory in our shop. Experience the warmth of the season by receiving a special gift when you spend $15 or more. This includes buying gift cards!

  • Create a marketing strategy and plan within a limited budget to increase awareness, foot traffic, and sales. Instruct store owner on how to continue the plan

  • Once the store owner and I started working together, I realized the owner needed to focus on her target market. We completed a business map, identified her competition as well as her ideal customer, and talked about how she wanted customers to view her business.

    We stablished a budget and brainstormed ideas of what could be done within it. Together we planned events focused on the store’s values and designed window displays. I contributed content to be submitted to the local business alliance newsletter as well as designed posters and hand outs.

    Our collaboration resulted in a binder of information and ideas the owner could reference as well as an increase in both foot traffic and sales by about 10%.

Ask Phoenix to be part of your team

I bring to your team:


Succinct writing

My concise writing engages users and facilitates understanding, allowing the smooth completion of tasks or understanding of concepts.

Diverse experience

Working for 20 years in the design and marketing field has given me an intimate understanding of the entire product design and development process.

Educated understanding

A degree in advertising and design combined with the completion of a three-month UX boot camp has provided a firm foundation for my writing.



Problem-solving comes naturally to me. I was born with the ability to put myself in other people’s shoes and then use this insight to think through scenarios.

Boundless curiosity

I’m always willing to try new things, learn how they work, and ask questions until I understand.

A collaborator

I easily connect with people whether they are customers, clients, or coworkers. I’m also able to present an idea, constructively defend it, and listen openly to its critique.

See a little bit more of what Phoenix can do.